(set: $name to (prompt: "What's your name?", "Collin"))
Hi, $name!
You are 25. It is a time to be alive. You have your own place and a dog of whom you love dearly. You also have been working in a law firm, mostly taking calls for your colleagues, but you know that it is just a stepping stone to move up in the firm. It all seemed to be falling into place, then it hit. A pandemic, the last thing that anyone could have ever imagined for what was supposed to be the perfect year.
Would you like to see what your [[life->Morning]] is like now?You could have sworn it was still 10 am. Lazily you shuffle through your hallway. You pass photos of family vacations and graduation ceremonies. There is no movement in your little apartment, not even from your dog who is soaking in the light from the window in the living room.
You throw yourself onto the couch and click on the TV. Ugh, great, more FRIENDS reruns. You turn over to check your phone.
(if: $count is 0)[You have no new notifications](if: $count is 2)[You have no new notifications]
(if: $count is 1)[[[14 notifications->14 notfications]] Are you kidding me?
(if:$notifications is true)[You look out of the peephole, but no one is there. Must have just been imagining things. Deep down you are missing interaction with others, especially friends and family.]]
You look at the clock. It is [[evening->Evening]].You are flabberghasted! Night already? How can that even be? You haven't accomplished much today. You should really get started.You look around the room and decide to get a move on knowing the night will not get any younger.
Do you check your [[work emails->work]]?
Do you go to make [[dinner]]?
Do you change the channel to watch a [[movie]]?
(if: $hasdinner is true)[It is about that time of the night. It is time to [[sleep]].]You are relieved to hear that your test came back negative. You throw on a sweatshirt and a mask that you leave near the door. You grab your dog and their leash ready to go for a walk downtown. You haven't been outside really, nervous that you would run into people.
Now you feel a bit more comfortable and your dog is more than excited to be going on a walk. You finally feel happy as you walk out the door.
Ending 3/3
Would you like to [[play again->Start]]?You wake up before your alarm. That rarely happens anymore. You rub your eyes to see the soft morning light peaking through your blinds. Your bed is warm and the air in your room a little brisk. You feel groggy and a bit upset as you wake up. Nonetheless, you decide to get out of bed.
Do you go to the [[bathroom]]?
Do you go to the [[kitchen]]?
Do you go to your [[closet]]?
(if: $hasbreakfast is true)[Before you know it, it is the [[afternoon->Afternoon]].](set:$count to it +1)
(live: 5s)[You wake up. It is [[Morning]].]
(if: $count is 3)[It is once again morning, but you decide you need to do something [[different]].]You walk into your bathroom with a stretch and a huge yawn as you reach for the light. Leaning over your sink to look in your mirror you see a disheveled stranger looking back at you.
Man, you think to yourself, what a crazy night of sleep. I must have been tossing and turning.
(set: $routine to (prompt: "What do you want to grab off your sink?", "hairbrush"))
You pick up your $routine and begin your morning routine.
When you are finished you look back to the mirror. Thank goodness, you somewhat resemble a put together humanbeing again.
[[You return back to your room.->Morning]](set: $hasbreakfast to true)Breakfast...
What the heck to even have for breakfast. Feels like you have been eating the same things for the last few days. You have been through the cereal, yogurt, and pancake mix already.
What you really want is to go to the little brunch place down the road. They have the best crepes you have had in your small midwestern town. You can almost taste the lemon sauce mixed with the warm blueberries.
You turn back to the cabinets and start rustling through.
(set: $breakfast to (prompt: "What will you eat for breakfast?", "cereal"))
You decide to have $breakfast. You take your $breakfast to the table and eat slowly, listening to the ticking of the clock and the soft static from the radio in the corner of the room. The weather channel is on, it is a nice spring day, but you will not be enjoying it.
When you are done. You set your dishes in the sink, promising to yourself that you will wash them later.
[[You return back to your room.->Morning]]You decided to get dressed today. You look at all the clothes you own and feel discouraged. You have no plans for the day. You get rid of the thought and look at your piles of clothes. Nothing seems to grab you, but you <b> NEED </b> to get dressed today.
(set: $clothes to (prompt: "What would you like to wear?", "sweats"))
You decide to wear $clothes.
[[You return back to your room.->Morning]] (set: $notifications to true)You quickly enter your passcode and start scrolling through the notifications.
5 are from your [[mom]].
3 from [[Twitter]].
3 from [[Facebook]] (also from your mom).
3 are [[work emails]].
(if: $checkedwork is true)[As you are looking through your phone, you think you hear a knock at the front door. Shutting down your phone, you scramble to [[answer->Afternoon]].]Your mom has been texting you a lot recently. She always has cared a lot, but lately she has seemed really paranoid. You read the messages:
Hi honey!
Hope you are doing well today!
Have you been eating? Do you have enough food?
Did you see my messages on Facebook?
Call me when you have a chance! <3 I love you.
You type back:
I am eating. Thanks for checking in mom, I love you too.
[[You move on to other notifications->14 notfications]].Twitter can't be that bad right? It is all people and drama. It is a way for all these people to cope with what is going on around them.
You take a look at your first notification. It's from your best friend, it's good to see that they have enough energy to be awake and online. They send a link to a funny thread of dogs in costumes. You scroll though quickly and go to see what the other notifications are.
The other two are retweets from your favorite youtuber. They are trying to donate money to organizations that want to help those that are suffering from the virus. You start to feel guilty and [[close out->14 notfications]] without reading the comments.Facebook. A tunnel of cat videos and political opinions that no one asked for. Usually a happy distraction from everything going on.
But recently, it is a source of anxiety for everyone. There are opinions, studies, and news alerts. All of it condradicting and confusing. You look at your tags.
Your mom tagged you in three different posts. All of them about the virus and not all of them being from the best source. You quickly reply back "Thanks mom!" and move on.
Hopefully, not all social media is like this. You need a good [[distraction->14 notfications]].(set: $checkedwork to true)You look at them in disgust. You do not want to do your work right now and you decide to do it later. You flag the emails as important and start to close out of the app.
But one of the [[emails->14 notfications]] catches your attention.You open the missed call and see that it is your doctor. You begin to listen to the voice mail.
Hi $name. This is your general physician. I wanted to let you know that your test results are (set: $testresults to (either: "positive", "negative"))$testresults. Please review the information that we have sent to your [[email->that email]].You decide to get your test done. While you are waiting, you decide to quarantine and limit contact with everyone. You recieve your results from the doctor. Your test came back negative. You are relieved and finish out your quarantine period to make sure you are being completely safe.
Ending 1/3
Would you like to [[play again->Start]]?<b><i>AN EMAIL</b></i>! Of course it had to be in an email. You quickly open it and inside are your directions.
(if: $testresults is "positive")[Your test results were positive. You will need to quarantine for two weeks. After that it is advised that you come back to [[the office-> Doctor's Office]] for retesting. Thank you for your compliance. We are proud to be serving our patients in a dire time of need. Please call back if you have any questions about your results.xxx-xxx-xxxx]
(if: $testresults is "negative")[Your test results were negative. You are COVID-19 [[free->Outside]]. Remember to wear your mask above your nose and to maintain social distancing. If you develop symptoms again please contact your general physician's office for testing information. Thank you. We are proud to be serving our patients in a dire time of need. Please call back if you have any questions about your results. xxx-xxx-xxxx]You quarantine for two weeks. The days seem to continue to blend together and you start getting antsy to be with others again. You finally get to go back to the doctor's office. They do another test and finally you come back COVID-19 free. You are happy to be finally free of the virus. You continue to wear your mask in public and maintaining social distancing, wanting to keep those around you safe.
Ending 2/3
Would you like to [[play again->Start]]?Those pesky emails. They always seem to be never ending. You think outloud, "Why send emails any way? Can't you just talk to the person?" You have almost forgotten, you can't talk to people lately. It just isn't the norm anymore. You need to keep your distance. Emails will just have to do.
You write your emails quickly hoping to get on with the rest of your [[night->Evening]].(set: $hasdinner to true)(set: $dinner to (prompt: "What are you eating for dinner?", "spaghetti"))
You decide it is time to make dinner. Much like breakfast, you could have sworn you have already eaten everything in the house. But you <b>HAVE</b> to eat.
You get straight to work getting $dinner ready. It isn't a gruling process, but still it would be way easier to order pizza or takeout.
You sit down once again at your table. This time your dog comes with you, hoping that maybe this time you share some of your food with them. You eat a bit quicker, ready to get on with your [[night->Evening]].(set: $movie to (prompt: "What movie are you going to watch", "Doctor Strange"))
You decide to watch $movie. It has always been one of your favorites. As the opening scene rolls, you curl up on the couch with the nearest blanket. Your dog jumps up onto the couch and settles near you.
It almost reminds you of the nights your friends used to come over for movie marathons. There were always drinks, food, and commentary. It was some of your fondest memories especially in your apartment.
Things are a little too lonely now. Yet, you can't change that, the world needs to be a little empty right now.
As the movie comes to a close you are getting pretty tired and think about going to [[bed->Evening]].(set: $count to 0)How to make it that they choose the same answer everyday.You just want to get out of the house. It has been a long few months of quarantine and the loneliness is getting to you.
Do you want to go get [[coffee with a friend]]?
Do you go spend the weekend with your [[significant other]]?You decide to get coffee with a friend just down the road from your apartment. It was a nice time. You had not seen each other in a while and it felt good to catch up. Sure it was weird not being able to sit inside and you took it to go to the park nearby.
You go home with a satisfied feeling, even though you return to the solitude of your life before your coffee date.
A few days later you recieve a message from your [[friend]].
You decide to spend a long weekend away with your significant other. You both decide to stay at their place and enjoy the quarantine together. You run errands and watch many more movies. You are not too worried about the virus because they had been mostly safe and you would never question their choices.
After the long weekend you head back to your home feeling energized and ready to get back to work. It is Tuesday when you start to feel it. You become sick with aching pain. You decide that it would be best to get a test done to be safe.
After some time you wake up to a [[missed call->missed call]].Hey $name! I wasn't feeling that great after our date and decided to go and get a test to be safe. I just wanted to let you know that my test came back [[positive->Quarantine]]. You need to get tested to make sure that you do not have the virus. I love you and hope you are healthy. Hope to see you soon when all of this dies down.